Monthly Archives: July 2018

Route 37 EB Mathis Bridge – NJ’s Largest Precast Exodermic® Deck Replacement Project

Route 37 EB Mathis Bridge – NJ’s Largest Precast Exodermic® Deck Replacement Project was the subject of a recently featured webinar hosted by the ABC-UTC at FIU.  Click on the link to view the video recording of the presentation, a PDF version of the presentation and the Q and A.

Route 37 EB Mathis Bridge – NJ’s Largest Precast Exodermic Deck Replacement Project


TECH-LINE #18 – LRFR Design Load Rating of Grid Reinforced Concrete and Exodermic® Decks

Load rating is the determination of the safe live load carrying capacity of a highway structure. It is usually expressed as a Rating Factor (RF) or in terms of tonnage for a particular vehicle. Rating frequency may vary by owner but is usually performed in the design stage, initial inventory inspection, when there is a change of live loading or dead load on the structure, or if there is a physical change in any structural member of the bridge. The Manual for Bridge Evaluation, Third Edition, 2018 (MBE) implies that decks should be rated as a main load carrying component of the superstructure. Some owners may overlook this requirement for conventional reinforced concrete decks but require rating of grid reinforced concrete and Exodermic® decks for new construction.

Click here to view this latest technical bulletin (and all previous) and read how the BGFMA V3.1 design program can be used to supplement the MBE and AASHTO LRFD Design Specifications to load rate a deck (including an example).

BGFMA Gridline #18

View Gridline Newsletter #18 on the BGFMA website by clicking the link below and opening the newsletter

Featured articles:

“Meet Timothy Pace, P.E.” continues the introduction of BGFMA Certified Fabricator members whose many years of experience can be valuable to provide sound advice during plan preparation, fabrication, and installation.

One of the more frequent questions asked of the BGFMA is to provide an approximate cost for a project.  The BGFMA took a closer look at the winning bids of three projects and summarized the deck costs in “Engineer’s Estimate for Grid Reinforced Concrete and Exodermic Bridge Decks.”  The projects include features of ABC construction, lightweight bridge deck applications, and precast concrete bridge deck panels to name a few.

The BGFMA recently donated Exodermic panels, rebar and form pans to Purdue University’s S-BRITE Center to be installed on a pony truss taken out of service.  The addition will enhance the gallery that serves to educate students, inspectors and professional engineers.